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The underlying ethos of aikido is discipline and focus, for this reason even though the Dojo may have a relaxed and friendly atmosphere its important bear in mind the following:

When entering or leaving the Dojo do so quietly and respectfully performing a standing bow towards the Kamiza where the founder’s photo is situated.

Before the class starts line up in seiza (kneeling position) facing the Kamiza lowest grade sitting to the left highest to the right.

Before the class begins sit quietly and await Sensei (the instructor) who will adopt a position facing the students, he will first bow to the Kamiza and then the students before starting the class; the students will greet Sensei with the honorific words ‘onagai shimasu’.

Upon finish of the lesson a similar ritual is enacted with student bowing upon indication from the head-student (Sempai) using the term ‘rai’ (bow) Students bow first to the the founder, secondly thanking the instructor with the words (domo arigato gozai mashta) and thirdly bowing to each-other.

When on the mat [or tatami] it is really important to obseve and devlop focus and spacial-awareness around yourself. This is partly for safety of practice  but also to develop ‘zanshin’ or martial-awareness.

If you chose to take up Aikido after your first lesson  as well as paying mat fees £5 per session you will need to enrol in annual dojo membership £32 which includes insurance.

Student ranking is denominated by Kyu grade (white belt) and Dan grade (black-belt). Instructors grade students based upon their ability and comitment to the art.

A proud student displays his hard earned grading certificate, calligraphed by hand and issued by Aikido Headquarters in Japan.

  • When entering or leaving the dojo, it is proper etiquette to bow in the direction of the founder O Sensei’s picture.
  • You should also bow when entering or leaving the mat.
  • If you arrive late for a class then simply sit on the edge of the mat  and await invitation on to the mat from the instructor.
  • If you need to leave the mat for any reason then please ask for permission and let the Instructor know.
  • Remove watches, rings and other jewellery before practice as they may catch your hair, skin, or clothing and cause injury to yourself or your partner.
  • Please keep your fingernails (and especially your toenails) clean and cut short.
  • Keep your training uniform clean, pressed, in good condition and free from offensive odours.
  • Please keep talking during class to a minimum. What conversation there is should be restricted to Aikido. It is impolite to talk whilst the instructor is addressing the class.
  • It is usually considered polite to sit in seiza (kneeling) and to bow upon receiving assistance or correction from the Instructor.

“Everyone has a spirit that can be refined, a body that can be trained in some manner, a suitable path to follow. You are here to realize your inner divinity and manifest your innate enlightenment.”

Morihei Ueshiba

Training Times

Wednesday evening 5-7pm (Beginners / Intermediate)
Saturday afternoon 1-3pm (Advanced Weaponry)

Find us

Mercia Aikido

Zortech Ave,
DY11 7DY

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