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Mr Paul Wilkes

Rokudan Shidoin, Principal

Paul Wilkes began his Aikido career in 1971 practising at the Ren Shin Kan Dojo under the tuition of Sensei W J Smith MBE then later as assistant instructor.

He soon attended courses held by K Chiba Sensei and gained Shodan in 1979, Nidan in 1988, Sandan in 1989 by Senseis K Chiba and W J Smith.

Awarded Fukushidoin in 1992, Yondan in 1996, Senior Coach in 2001, Godan in 2002 and Shidoin status by Senseis W J Smith and G Jones.

Paul was Promoted to Rokudan in 2014 and is Senior Instructor of the Go Shin Kai umbrella of Dojos and Ren Sei Kan Dojo in Kidderminster.

Tim Lee

Sensei, Godan Shidoin

Tim Lee, first practiced Aikido in the 1980s, shortly after starting out on a 30 year career as a police officer. He found the range of techniques and martial principles, together with the philosophy of controlling an attacker with the minimum of force, greatly enhanced his skills in dealing with confrontation and violence in his daily work. 

“It was quite different from other martial arts I had practiced and I was hooked on my first lesson!”

“I would say that my Aikido studies, not only complimented my professional development but also supported my personal growth and what I’m about as an individual”

Ironically, work commitments prevented Tim from practicing for a number of years but upon retirement and a move to Shropshire, he resumed training in the Midlands.

“I was a little apprehensive at going back onto the mat after so many years but I was warmly welcomed by all – something I have found is the norm wherever I have practised in the world” 

He achieved Godan (5th Dan) in 2023.

“The continual improvement process of physical and mental refinement, the obvious health benefits and enjoyment of training and constant learning with a diverse group of people, is what drives me now”

Patrick Palmer

Sensei, Godan Shidoin

Patrick Palmer Sensei started training in spring 1995 under the instruction of Sensei Mike Smith and Shihan William “Bill” Smith (affectionally known as the gaffer).

In 2023 Patrick was awarded the grade of Godan (5thDan) he teaches at his own Dojo (Zanshin-Kai) as well as the main Go Shin Kai. Headquarters Dojo (Ren Sei Kan) at Kidderminster.

Past Masters

Mike Smith


Sadly, Mike Smith was awarded the title of “Shihan” (Grand-Master) by the Mother Dojo in Hombu Japan on 1 April shortly before his untimely death on 20 April 2022. He is a huge loss to all of us but his inspiration endures.

Shihan Michael Smith had over 50 years experience in aikido and a wealth of weapons knowledge handed down from both Shihan’s Chiba and Smith.

Michael Smith began practicing Aikido in 1968 under the tuition of his uncle Mr W.J. Smith M.B.E, (known familiarly as the Gaffer) he later practiced for a number of years in San Diego USA with Shihan Chiba training intensely  in advanced weaponry and  body arts. His progression took him to 6th Dan in January 2010.

Those years with Chiba Sensei, and under the strict instruction of Mr Smith gave him and many others a good realisation of Aikido, establishing the foundations of what is practised and taught today.

Mr Roger Douras

Rokudan Shidoin, 1943-2024

Roger Douras Sadly passed away recently, was much loved and will be long remembered by club members for his charismatic smile and easy manner.

Roger began practising Aikido in 1967 under the instruction of Sensei Ralph Reynolds and then later under the famous Shihan W.J. Smith M.B.E. (the ‘gaffer’).

His progression took him to Fukushidoin status in 1986 and eventual  promotion to 6th Dan Shidoin 2014.

“At first we learn to train soft like falling rain, later we train hard like rock, eventually we train neither hard nor soft but like flowing water in a stream.”

Morihei Ueshiba

Training Times

Wednesday evening 5-7pm (Beginners / Intermediate)
Saturday afternoon 1-3pm (Advanced Weaponry)

Find us

Mercia Aikido

Zortech Ave,
DY11 7DY

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